Cynoscion nothus

English: White Trout, Silver Trout, Sand Trout, Whitey.
Spanish: Corvina plateada, Curvina, Trucha plateada.

The Silver Seatrout is characterized by its sleek body, two large teeth and an oversized mouth. Markings consist of a light gray or silver top and a even more silvery or white bottom.

 Most common under a pound. Large fish may reach a pound.

These fish are found mostly in the open waters but may venture closer into deep bays and harbors during the colder months.

Shrimp pieces and cut baitfish make for the best natural bait, while jigs are the best artificial bait.

Many anglers confuse this species with the sand seatrout and lump the two species together as "white trout." The two species are distinctly different, however. The silver seatrout is entirely silver without any of the yellow coloration on the back and fins that the sand seatrout has. The silver seatrout has very small, darker spots arranged in rearward sloping rows or the upper sides.

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